Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Need A Lose Weight Fast Diet? How To Lose A Pound A Day

Two-thirds of the US adult population is overweight; not only can this additional weight become nagging, but there are numerous health risks as well. For many, a lose weight fast diet is at the top of their wish list; and even more would love to lose a pound a day if they could just figure out how to do it in a safe way. With the summer season only a few months away special occasions will be dotting the social and travel scene - weddings and class reunions are just a few of the events. Not to mention excursions to the local beach, as well as exotic vacations that are being planned, so fitting into that sexy swim wear will be a high priority for many.

Some of you have probably experienced one of more of the many diet programs in your effort to sheds those unwanted pounds. You know the ones - low calories, low fat, low carbohydrates, Atkins, South Beach, I could go on and on. The fact of the matter is that they seem to work for everyone except for you. Well, before you give up, consider this revolutionary approach to fat loss that have put the dieting world on notice, the program is called Fat Loss 4 Idiots, it promises that you will see a noticeable change in your body within the first 11 days.

This weight loss solution requires that you eat more than 3 meals per day for the purpose of stimulating your body and speeding up the calorie burning process. How's that for starters - no starving yourself here. By speeding up the body's metabolism, through the manipulation of the natural fat burning hormones and turning off the hormones that causes fat to be stored in the body, the process leads to a loss of weight. The concepts underlying this lose weight fast diet is known as "calorie shifting." It works in the following way:

1) On any given day your body burns calories (or fat) based on the eating habit you have established during the past few days. Your metabolism is actually programmed to anticipate that you will continue eating the same type of meals and calories as you have been, thus creating the same amount of natural fat burning hormones.

2) If you alter your eating habits, you will provide a "shock" to your metabolic system. You do this by changing up the types of calories and meals you eat for more than a couple of days at a time.

3) This "shifting" of the kind of calories you are feeding your body will cause your metabolism to not only melt away these calories. But once they are gone, it starts to burn away at the fat that is stored in your body. It's easy to see how you can lose a pound a day with this diet approach.

You really can rid of the excess weight; the fat that is stored in your body is supposed to be burned away not stored. Again, what you must do is stimulate the body into creating more fat-burning hormones. What is fantastic about this lose weight fast diet is that you do not have to guess at what you need to eat and how much, all the information and tools that you need are provided for you.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots includes a downloadable diet handbook and an online Diet Generator where you can choose the foods you want to eat and just generate your menu. So if you would like to lose a pound a day its time to get serious and start now!

Most people can't lose weight because they won't get off the fence. Check out this lose weight fast diet program; it is among the best sellers on the Internet for a reason- it works! In just a short time you can be wearing that hot swimwear or dress that you have hanging in your closet; imagine the new slimmer you in 11 days time.

Learn how to lose 28 pounds in 28 days here.

Jay Land is a writer, webmaster and world traveler who has lost over 30 pounds in the past year by successfully incorporating the strategies in this article into his fat loss and fitness program.

Is There Such as Thing as Guaranteed Weight Loss?

Of course the allure of a guaranteed weight loss system sounds can't be denied, and that's because of how tough the struggle can be. A lot of people throw in the towel early-on because of frustration with uncomfortable diets and silly unconventional exercise programs they read about. First and foremost, if you're looking for guaranteed weight loss - guaranteed anything; you need to find YOUR reasons for wanting it. We all have different motivations for the things we do; find yours, and you'll be unstoppable. The sad truth is a lot of people pick up a magazine and see all these reason for why think they're supposed to want it, but maybe they don't stick.

Here are some rules to follow to make your program a guaranteed weight loss system for yourself. Finances can be one reason. Yes, it is more expensive to eat unhealthy. Fast food, constant eating out, sweets, junk food, no doubt it adds up. Not to mention the spending on additional weight-correction products because you're gaining the weight from an unhealthy lifestyle. It's a vicious cycle. If you stick to strictly vegetables and lean meats, your grocery budget will actually go the furthest. I've seen the most hardcore example myself; a vegetarian friend of mine showed me his grocery store receipt for this enormous shopping trip and it was about a third of an average bill for most people's trips. That's a guaranteed weight loss program for him.

Health is the other obvious reason. With obesity on the rise, we're noticing all the health problems associated with it. But that's also when you have the vast majority of people thinking fast food is good for you. So pick an overweight health problem, any problem: diabetes, kidney stones, shorter life span, heart disease, heart attacks, and the possible need for surgery. If that doesn't seem bad, pick the scariest sounding one, and, provided you're not insane, that should be enough of a guaranteed weight loss program for you.

Physical attractiveness is also a huge motivator in putting together a guaranteed weight loss program. Being thin and fit looking has been the standard for decades. The studies are out there. Attractive people are at huge advantage, and your weight and overall physical fitness is a big part of the equation that you actually have control over. Why not take advantage of it? It's common knowledge that life is easier for more attractive people, (not an all-encompassing rule but generally, yeah). They're given a chance, given the time of day, and taken more seriously because, simply put, they're more pleasant to be around. How would you like to be considered head and shoulders above other candidates interviewing for a great job, because the people interviewing just seemed to like you more? Let that be your guaranteed weight loss motivation.

If you have kids, getting all the guarantee you can is even more important. Parents set standards for their kids and that affects how they grow up and live their lives. If you've found yourself leading an unhealthy life; stop the cycle here, right now. Knowing that you won't have to pass on negative unhealthy habits, and that your kids have a real shot at living healthy, energetic, active lives should give you a guaranteed weight loss system.

Rob Jacobs has consulted on weight loss and nutrition for 20 years. He helps world class bodybuilders and dieters alike on how they can improve their health, and overall life. For more information on Rob's approach to health, please visit Guaranteed Weight Loss.

A Review of Holly Rigsby Fit Yummy Mummy

Fit Yummy Mummy is by reading the title, a little "imaginary". But then, perhaps sometimes if we find ourselves in the position of needing to lose a bit of weight, maybe that's what we need! If you're looking to buy the program then let me tell you exactly what you're in for, and how Fit Yummy Mummy is in its own way different from the other diet ebooks out there today.

Fit Yummy Mummy is getting attention because it really talks to women who are looking to regain that body of their youth or the body they dream for, In a nutshell the program covers all aspects of losing fat and getting fit - and the best part is that it is written specifically for busy moms. The material is presented in a manner both chatty and educational - it's kind of like having a friendly conversation with a close friend that happens to be a fitness expert

This lifestyle program for busy moms is a comprehensive guide to what's arguably the most widespread, challenging and frustrating issue faced by moms today: how to get their pre-baby body back. For almost all mothers the changes their bodies incur during pregnancy coupled with the countless responsibilities that motherhood bring spell trouble for regaining their pre-pregnancy figure.

There is no shortage of fitness, diet and fat loss products on the market today. You can find a veritable library of conflicting arguments almost anywhere you choose to seek information on the subject of fitness for women, whether it's online, at your local library, through contact with personal trainers, or through the (less reputable but nevertheless very common) ranks of wannabe experts: aka, those frustrating people with no qualifications and no practical experience but are self professed experts because they ready the last issue of Shape magazine. Fit Yummy Mummy is NOT one of those products.

In my opinion, one of the best parts of Fit Yummy Mummy's program is a follow up e-mail coaching series from the author that keeps you on track, gives you daily fitness tips and even healthy recipes. While most moms have the best of intentions, staying on track is tough. This follow up e-mail coaching series is the perfect solution.
The Verdict

While Fit Yummy Mummy may seem a bit on the goofy side, title and all; results speak for themselves and may just be the combination you've been looking for!

Find out all about becoming a fit yummy mommy here.

To read more information about Fit Yummy Mummy click here: Fit Yummy Mummy

The Powerful Intermittent Fasting Diet

I wanted to take the time to talk to you about the powerful intermittent fasting diet and the amazing benefits it offers to those that take it. This is a very new way of eating to lose weight, but did you know that it has some other amazing benefits that a recent study has shown. People that had some health issues actually had improved health while on this diet. People also produced far less stress related hormones and were believed that they may actually live longer because of this. I think this is going to be the next big thing in the way we do our diets, so I'm going to share all the information on this diet and how it can work for you.

The actual intermittent fasting diet is quite simple. There is absolutely no restrictions on the food you eat. That means if you want to eat fast food all day, that's really your choice. There is also no limitations on the amount you eat, just as long as you eat when you feel like it. The only restrictions are on when you eat. You get a 24hr period to eat what you want, than another 24hr period to fast. That's all there is too it. There is absolutely no calorie cutting in this because you have a day of fasting. Participants on this diet, ended up eating two days worth of food on their eating day, so everything balances out.

The powerful intermittent fasting diet is grown, but still hasn't broke into the mainstream of the media. It should be out there by early next year, but you have the chance to try it out now.

To Find Out Exactly How You Can Get StartedWith The Intermittent Fasting Diet Click Here

To learn more about intermittent fasting, check out Eat Stop Eat.

How To Lose Fat Fast - Top Secret Fat Loss Secret Review

When we eat, preservatives, pesticides and chemicals build up inside of our digestive systems and causes harmful plaque.

This plaque continues to form along the insides of our small and large intestines no matter how much exercise or dieting
that you do. Top Secret Fat Loss Secret will show you step by step how to get rid of this plaque for good and this will cause
you to drop the excess weight that you have.

These parasites live and breed inside your stomach, colon and intestines and will cause you to gain lots of weight, become sick more often and this will eventually take years of your life, because it is blocking your intestines natural ability to absorb nutrition properly. These parasites usually end up dying. (But not before they lay millions of eggs inside of you) and once they die they form a coral like barrier preventing you even further from absorbing the correct amounts of proper nutrition. Your body will starve no matter how much you eat-so by not feeling satisfied you continue to stuff your face and get very fat, thus risking your health. Because your body thinks that it is starving, your metabolism adjusts itself to burn food at a much slower pace in an effort to store more food.

Basically with this Top Secret Fat Loss Secret you are flushing out all of the plaque and parasites that are living inside of you and causing you to be sick and fat. As these parasites are flushed out of your system for good the fat will start to dissolve quickly from your body.

Find Out the Top Fat Loss Secrets Here

If you are sick and tires of being obese and sick and want to change your life forever then I suggest you click here and find out why Top Secret Fat Loss Secret is so popular.

All About The Master Cleanse Diet

The master cleanse diet is now enjoying a surge in interest due to the curvaceous look of Beyonce, although it has been around for more than 50 years already. Beyonce apparently lost weight for her role in “Dreamgirls” in a short space of time due to master cleanse diet. Reports also later revealed that a few other stars had also adopted this diet to gain the figure that many clamor for. The master cleanse diet is also known as the lemonade diet, the maple syrup diet or the cayenne pepper diet based on the ingredients.

The master cleanse diet is actually a detox diet. In fact, it is more like a fast. The master cleanse diet is explained in great detail in the book The Master Cleanser, by Stanley Burroughs, its originator. You may wish to get hold of it as it provides information about the techniques in fulfilling the lemonade diet plan.

The master cleanse is specifically designed to help you cleanse your body of toxins and not directly a weight loss program. However, by removing toxins, you not only lose weight but can also alleviate other chronic symptoms that you have been experiencing.

The master cleanse is great for the prevention of digestive diseases and disorders. The reason that this system seems to work so well is because most disease begin in the intestines, which is exactly the area that lemon cleansing targets. It is also a quick way to reduce your weight or control weight gain.

With the master cleanse diet, your kidneys and digestive system can be completely cleansed upon completion of the program; as will all cells and organs be purified. Any waste and calcifications or hardened areas within the joints and muscles will be flushed and pressure upon the nerves, arteries and blood vessels will be alleviated. Body fat is also lost during this process. Your bloodstream gets rejuvenated along with your overall appearance. You will find that the elasticity of your skin improves with the lemonade diet. Lemon is said to have the natural ability to act as a loosening and cleansing agent.

There are two different ways to go about the master cleanse diet. You can stay on the master cleanse diet for three to five days following a simple recipe for the lemon drink. During this time, you should abstain from eating any foods. Simply combine two tablespoons of fresh squeezed lemon or lime juice with two tablespoons of organic maple syrup (Grade B), and add ten to fourteen ounces of water. Also, add a pinch of cayenne pepper. You should mix the drink just before consuming, and the drink should be drunk every two hours. Some people even recommend that you can go on the master cleanse diet for 40 days. But generally, I do not advise any period longer than 7 days as this can have serious impact on the amount of nutrition needed to sustain your body. Also, be sure to check with your doctor about prolonged fasting.

The other way that the master cleanse can be done is to drink the beverage only in the morning, about three times per month. You can follow a regular healthy diet during this time. It is important to note that fresh, purified water can also be consumed during either method.

Before you start on the master cleanse, you would need to reduce your toxic load. This will mean that it is best that you do not consume any alcohol, coffee, sugars, processed foods and sodas. You also need to sleep well and ensure that you get some exercise. One without the other will not be nearly as beneficial to you. Then, after you complete the routine for the detox diet, you can expect to feel energized and rejuvenated!

See Exactly How the Master Cleanse Diet Can Help You Lose Weight In Just 10 Days

Got constipation, bad breath and weight that you need to lose? Reap benefits from detox cleansing. Sign up to free research and special reports by Sandra Kim Leong on colon and liver cleansing, juice fasting and on detox diet recipes here at

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